


Innovation in Rainwater Management

Site-L marks a step forward in the management and monitoring of rainwater collection points. Designed to maximize efficiency and prevent issues such as flooding and theft, this compact and easy-to-install device is the ideal solution for city administrations committed to sustainable urban water resource management.

Product Details


Incorporating cutting-edge technology in a compact design, Site-L is equipped with sensors for monitoring water levels and detecting intrusions or tampering.


Each device, marked with a unique serial code, allows for precise geolocation, ensuring reliable and timely control of each collection point.

How Site-L Works


Site-L periodically measures water levels, calculates the average, and stores the data. his information is then sent to the management center for detailed analysis, allowing for constant and reliable monitoring of water conditions.

Water Level Alert:

If the water level exceeds the preset threshold, Site-L automatically generates an alert, sent to the management center. This system allows for the timely activation of necessary emergency procedures to prevent flooding and damage.

Tampering/Intrusion Alert:

Site-L can detect any attempt at tampering or unauthorized intrusion, sending an alert signal to the management center. This enables a quick response to ensure the safety and integrity of the collection points.

Key Benefits

Flood Prevention

Thanks to timely monitoring, Site-L significantly reduces the risk of flooding, contributing to public safety and environmental protection.

Security and Integrity

The tampering and intrusion alert system ensures that each collection point is protected from vandalism, guaranteeing the continuity of service.

Efficient Management:

With Site-L, administrations can optimize the maintenance of collection points, improving urban water resource management and reducing operating costs.

Site-L is an essential solution for cities that want to manage their water resources more intelligently, sustainably, and efficiently, while ensuring safety and reliability.